Monsoon Mayhem: Why are Smaller Cities Falling Ill?

Monsoon Mayhem: Why are Smaller Cities Falling Ill?

After months of unending rain, before the seasons change to cool winters, there is often a season of rampant vector borne diseases. While malaria was common, some of these diseases such as Dengue and Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) are new entries to the geographies of smaller cities. Monsoon has led to severe disease outbreaks in several Indian states, with Kerala and Bihar among the worst hit. Assam is facing a dual-layered challenge of flooding and a rise in JEV cases.

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That time of the year again: Are Himalayan towns better prepared?

That time of the year again: Are Himalayan towns better prepared?

As we prepare to release this report, India’s Himalayan region faces heavy rainfall & high alert, creating widespread panic among citizens. These geologically fragile areas frequently experience extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall and cloudbursts, triggering landslides, flash floods, & land subsidence.

But why are these hazards increasing? How equipped are these communities to tackle disasters? Can traditional knowledge & technology boost their resilience? Are government risk reduction efforts yielding results?

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Has your phone been buzzing lately with NDMA’s warning messages too?

Has your phone been buzzing lately with NDMA’s warning messages too?

Uttarakhand has only one town planner against the requirement of twenty six. Such a lack of trained professionals makes hill towns prone to disasters adding to fragile geography, haphazard construction and increased tourism. Despite SC’s mandate for Master Plans and carrying capacity studies, these towns still lack them. It was only after NGT’s order, that Shimla banned construction in core green areas and restricted building heights in non-core and sinking zones.

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