This Nagrikal Series examines the relationship between climate change and cities, especially small and mid-sized cities. It attempts to explore the dual roles of such cities- cities as contributors to and sufferers of climate change.
Through the series we contextualise some of the important impacts of climate change, like poor air quality, rising sea levels, rising temperatures, and increasing heatwaves with respect to smaller cities. The series highlights the limited share of knowledge on small cities, climate data availability, and monitoring. By bringing forth the facts and figures about smaller cities that are less talked about, we aim to enrich the discourse from our current understanding in an effort to build resilient small cities.
From defining the role of cities, especially the smaller cities, in climate change to exploring the share of such cities in research studies, climate data availability, and monitoring, the series aligns with our objective of creating knowledge for smaller cities to drive meaningful action.
Our platform, Nagrikal, endeavours to be a pioneer in bringing public policy to citizens and city governments, especially those in small cities. Limited knowledge has been emerging from smaller cities - whether in policy priorities of the national and sub-national governments; discussions at international forums; research by academia; or common knowledge of the citizens. Nagrikal is a platform for Behind-the-scenes actors to share their experiences and lessons so that they be channeled into policies.
Through the Nagrikal:
We seek to provide information about governance in a collaborative and commentary style instead of ‘knowledge’ being disbursed.
We maintain our focus on small towns, which are often left out of the policy discourses.
We bring to light a variety of perspectives from different actors interacting with policy, from policy makers to administrative officials, politicians and various stakeholders.